Book Recommendations


March 2013
Reading Recommendations
Toddler & Primary
The March 2013 Honeybee Super Value Pack
While the Super Value Pack for March contains several wonderful titles, one in particular stands out, Margaret Wise Brown's The Big Red Barn. Brown's unique rhythms -- cadences that have mesmerized generations of children -- are here paired with the balanced and evocative illustrations of Felicia Bond.
Even after hundreds (and I do mean hundreds) of readings, the pacing of the book allows for a sense of gentle discovery with each turn of the page.
The Big Red Barn, The Carrot Seed, Have You Seen My Duckling?, Super Duck, Boo-Hoo, I Love Rainy Days, Five Little Monkeys With Nothing To Do, Bugs, Bugs, Bugs, Mouse's First Spring, & Curious George Visits the Library
An Excerpt from The National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry
This Month's Primary/Elementary Recommendation
The HorsesIt has turned to snow in the night.The horses have put ontheir long fur stockingsand they are wearingfur caps with high necksout of which the deviceof their ears makes four statues.Their tails have caught flecksof snow and hang downloose as bedsheets.They stand nose to nosein the blue light that coatsthe field before sunupand rub dry their old kisses.--Maxine Kumin
Elementary & Primary
The National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry
The editors of this lovely collection have paired selections from the enormous National Geographic photography collection with an array of poems and the results are delightful!
Animals of all sorts are depicted in verse and photographs, and each expressive form seems to enhance the other. The design and organization is perfect for children who attach to favorite animals, allowing them to turn to one page to see several poems about a single creature: horses, butterflies, elephants, and many more.


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Director's Note: April 2013


Director's Note: March 2013