The Toddler Program

“The development of the child during the first three years after birth is unequaled in intensity and importance by any period that precedes or follows in the whole life of a child.”

– Maria Montessori

Children between the ages of 18 months and 30 months join the TMS community in our cheerful and enlightening Toddler program. Experienced teachers guide our youngest students through mornings filled with discovery, peace, and wonder.

In the TMS Toddler Program, we maintain an organized and safe environment designed to develop each student’s receptive and expressive communication, fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and executive functioning skills. At this level, students are concentrating on tasks relating to "care of self," "care of the environment," and "grace and courtesy."

“TMS is a magical place that nurtures curiosity and shows love to your children in a way that goes above expectations.”

Ashley D., Toddler Parent

The Toddler Classroom Environment

When creating our toddler classrooms, we recall Maria Montessori's observation: "The hands are the instrument of man's intelligence." The "prepared environment" for Toddlers includes many different types of sensory experiences that allow children "freedom within limits," as children naturally gravitate towards materials that meet their developmental needs. The Toddler classroom environment features sensorial works that encourage students to explore and sharpen their senses, and develop the strength and dexterity to manipulate items with ease.

TMS Toddlers grow at an astounding rate when given a consistent, engaging, and interactive environment. Whether it be practical life works, language study, counting, or refining physical movements, these children hone their skills with autonomy and independence.

Ready to learn more?

A Note About Our Schedule

We educate our Toddler students with two day-length options.
The following program options are available for your child.

Half-Day + Lunch

8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The heart of the Toddler program is the morning work cycle. During this time, students are given opportunities to explore independently, participate in group and individual lessons, and play with their peers outside. Students conclude their day with a quintessential self-care and community activity: lunch.

Full Day

8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Often our families need a longer day to align with their work schedules. Our full day option keeps students with us until three p.m. During our full-day program, after lunch, students prepare themselves for a nap. Our naptime is complete with white noise and blackout curtains to allow for students to have this important time to rejuvenate. Upon completion of nap, our Toddlers are given the opportunity to continue to explore the classroom, participate in care of self, and spend time on the playground.