Math and the Montessori Classroom: Video Resources for Parents
Since September, we've created several video introductions to the areas of the TMS classrooms. In December we brought you Ms. Charlene's tour of the Sensorial area. In February we featured the Language curriculum across the Toddler, Primary, and Elementary programs. This month, in preparation for the release of our math video, we wanted to share some of the wonderful resources that are already available online. The videos provide viewers with glimpses of students' experiences with math materials and deeper insight into the curriculum's movement from the concrete to the abstract, movement that progresses in accordance with each child's individual cognitive development. by Shelby DriskillVideo Credits:Montessori Early Learning Math Curriculum: Excerpt from "Nurturing the Love of Learning" -- Produced by The American Montessori SocietyPsychogeometry: Informational Video produced by Montessoriguide.orgAn Introduction to the Montessori Math Curriculum: Excerpt from informational video produced by